Content Summary
Join us on this joyous virtual journey to further discover the hidden gem of Honduras coffee. A country that’s known for its glorious mountains, beautiful beaches, and lush rainforests.
And in this post, we’re going to uncover everything you need to know about Honduras coffee. From its history, beans, taste, types, and brewing methods. Let’s get started!

What Is Honduran Coffee
1. Honduran Coffee History
The country’s coffee history is something you would not want to overlook. Honduran coffee is grown in the mountainous region of Western Honduras, where perfect weather and soil conditions prevail.
Coffee was first introduced to the country in the mid-18th century when the country was under Spanish colonial rule. The Spaniards started introducing coffee plants around the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa, and it grew in popularity among the local farmers.
However, it was only until the 1930s that the Honduran government took significant steps to promote the coffee industry. Today, Honduras is the largest coffee producer in Central America, the 3rd largest in Latin America, and the 8th in the world.
(Leading coffee exporting countries worldwide in 2021 -
2. Honduran Coffee Beans
Honduran coffee beans are grown in high altitudes between 1,100 and 1,600 meters above sea level. They are mainly Arabic beans and are known for their unique flavor profiles, such as chocolate, caramel, nuts, and citrus.
The beans from Honduras are also known to have a balanced and acidic flavor and smooth body, making them perfect for both light and dark roasts. As compared to other coffee beans, Honduras coffee beans tend to be less harsh and smoother.

3. Honduran Coffee Taste
Honduras coffee carries vibrant and complex flavor notes that make it stand out from other coffees. If you’re a fan of sweeter coffee, you’ll enjoy the chocolatey and nutty flavors in Honduran coffee.
Honduran coffee has a distinct taste and quality. If you’re more into tangy flavors, you’ll appreciate the citrussy and floral notes. To enhance the Honduras coffee flavors, it’s essential to pay attention to the brewing method used.
4. Honduran Coffee Types
Honduran coffee comes in several varieties, classified by their regions or profiles.
The most common types are Lempira, Bourbon, Catuai, Copan, Agalta, Comayagua, El Paraiso, and Montecillos.
- Lempira beans have a mild and sweet taste.
- Catuai coffee is known for its balanced aroma and intense body.
- Bourbon coffee is sweet and balanced.
- Copan coffee has hints of nuts, cocoa, and caramel flavors.
- Agalta coffee has a full-bodied texture, with hints of cherries and apricots.
- Comayagua coffee is known for its sweet and fruity flavors.
- El Paraiso coffee has a bright acidity and sweet aroma.
- Montecillos coffee is light-bodied, and carries the floral and citrus notes of the region.
5. Honduran Coffee Drinks
If you are a coffee connoisseur, you would undoubtedly appreciate the different types of Honduran coffee drinks.
- Honduran Marcala Coffee is a popular drink known for its fruity acidity and floral aroma. It’s often served as an espresso or cappuccino in Honduras.
- Café con Leche, which means espresso and hot milk, is the most common way Hondurans prepare their coffee.
- Café con Miel is also another popular Honduran coffee drink, which is coffee with honey.
- Café Bombon, a heavenly combination of espresso and sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, and cocoa powder, is a must-try as well.
How To Make Honduran Coffee
Brewing Methods
For an optimal Honduran coffee experience, it’s best to use home brewing methods like French press, pour-over, drip, and Moka pot.
- French press: This method is simple and yields a full-bodied cup of coffee. All you need to do is let the coarsely ground beans steep in hot water before pressing down the mesh filter.
- Pour-over: This is a slow and steady brewing process, so you’ll need to be patient. With the pour-over method, hot water is gradually poured over the grounds until they are completely saturated.
- Drip coffee: This method is ideal for beginners as it requires minimal effort. You’ll need to place the coffee filter into the drip coffee maker, followed by a layer of filter and ground coffee beans.
- Moka pot: This is an Italian method that’s relatively easy to do. All you need is a Moka pot, ground Honduran coffee beans, and hot water.
- Chorreador: the traditional way of brewing coffee is by using a cloth filter, a chorreador. To do this, you’ll need to place the cloth filter over a jar or cup and add the ground coffee beans. Then, slowly pour hot but not boiling water over the grounds and let it drip.

Ingredients - Café Bombon
- 2 tablespoons of coarsely ground Honduran coffee beans
- 1 cup of hot water
- 2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk
- 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- Your preferred manual coffee maker
- Grind your Honduran beans using the appropriate coffee grinder. For lightly roasted beans, use a fine grind, while for darker roasts, use a coarse grind.
- Boil your water and let it cool between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit (90-96 degrees Celsius).
- Add the ground beans to your preferred coffee maker.
- Pour the hot water, and let it steep for 3-4 minutes. Carefully remove the filter.
- In a coffee cup, add the sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla extract, and stir well.
- Add the brewed Honduran coffee to the next layer.
- Top it off with cocoa powder.
You’ve made your delicious Honduran coffee at home.

Tips & Tricks
- To get the best cup of coffee, use freshly roasted beans. The flavor is much better when the beans are recently ground and brewed.
- For a stronger flavor, you can add more ground coffee in your pre-brewing process.
- If you want to get creative with your coffee, you can add spices such as cinnamon and cardamom for extra flavor.
- For a special touch, top off your cup of Honduran coffee with some whipped cream or a few marshmallows.
- Don't forget to try out the different types of Honduran coffee drinks and appreciate the distinct taste of Honduras coffee beans.
We hope this article has helped you appreciate this lesser-known, delicious coffee. Next time you're in search of mild and sweet flavor and a coffee that ticks all the right boxes, keep Honduran coffee on your list!
Need a manual coffee maker or an automatic grind and brew coffee maker to brew your Honduran coffee cups? Check out our picks below and find one!

Happy brewing!
Catchy Finds