Content Summary
Making coffee with a french press is an absolute art form.
If you’re looking for a unique and delicious way to enjoy your daily cup of joe—or if you're just looking for a fun way to show off your barista-level coffee-making skills—then mastering how to make coffee with a french press is a must.
Here’s a quick guide on how to make the perfect cup of French Press coffee.

Making A French Press Coffee
1. Warm Up The Press
You want the press to be warm when you put your grounds in, as it’ll allow for better extraction.
2. The Right Grind Level
Making sure that you have the right grind level for your french press is essential.
- Use coarsely ground beans since the filter on a french press isn't as fine as other types of brewing methods. The coarser the grind, the less time is needed for extraction.
- This means that if you use finely ground beans, then you might end up with some sediment in your cup, which won't be very pleasant.
3. Measure Out Your Beans
Once you've got your beans properly ground, it's time to measure them out.
- The general rule of thumb here is to use two tablespoons of ground beans for every six ounces of water.
- Adjust your measurements depending on how strong you want your coffee to be. Put the grounds into the press.
4. Pour Water Into Your French Press
It's time to get brewing!
- You may need a special gooseneck kettle to make sure that your water is at the right temperature, which should be between 190-200 degrees Fahrenheit and not boiling.
- Boil some water and pour it into the french press until it reaches about an inch below the top of the carafe. Make sure to pour slowly so that you don’t disturb the grounds too much.
- Once done, stir gently, place the lid on, and then let it sit for at least four minutes while everything steeps together.
5. Press Down The Plunger
Now comes the fun part: pressing down on the plunger! This step is to separate the grounds from the liquid.
- Once your timer is up, gently press down on the plunger until it can’t go any further. When there is no more resistance—that's when you know it's done!
- Make sure that you do this slowly and evenly so that all of the grounds are fully immersed in the hot water.
6. Enjoy A Sip & Savor
- Pour your freshly brewed coffee into a favorite mug. Add any cream, sugar, or your favorite additives.
- Finally, take a sip and savor that deep flavor as you enjoy your morning routine with a nice cup of French Press coffee.

French Press Coffee FAQs
Here are some answers to the most common questions and tips about how to make coffee with a french press.
How much coffee do I put in a French press?
The general rule of thumb is to use two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water. You can adjust the measurements depending on how strong you want your coffee to be.
How much coffee do you put in a French press for 2 cups?
For two cups of coffee, you should use four tablespoons of ground beans. This will give you a stronger cup of coffee than if you were to use two tablespoons for one cup.
What is the correct temperature for French press coffee?
The water should be between 190-200 degrees Fahrenheit and not boiling. Make sure to use a special gooseneck kettle to make sure that your water is at the right temperature.
Can you use the same coffee grounds twice in a French press?
No—it’s not recommended to use the same coffee grounds twice in a French press. The grounds will become over-extracted, resulting in an unpleasant and bitter cup of coffee.
What happens if you leave coffee in a French press too long?
If you leave the coffee in the press for too long, it will become over-extracted and bitter.
This can also happen if you use finely ground beans or don’t press the grounds down evenly.
To avoid this, make sure to keep an eye on your timer and gently press down on the plunger when it is time.
How can I make my French Press taste better?
There are a few simple tips to make your French press taste better.
- First, use freshly ground beans and not pre-ground beans.
- Second, make sure you’re using the right amount of grounds for how much water you’re using.
- Third, use the correct temperature for your water (190-200 degrees Fahrenheit).
- Finally, make sure to press down the plunger slow evenly and not too quickly.

Tips & Tricks
- Make sure to clean your french press after every use. This will help keep the flavors of your coffee fresh and prevent any buildup of oils or sediment.
- If you’re looking for a more intense flavor, try using an even coarser grind—just make sure it’s not too coarse, or else you’ll find grounds in your cup.
- Experiment with different ratios of coffee to water, as this will affect the strength and flavor of your coffee. Find what works best for you!
Making delicious coffee with a french press doesn’t have to be hard—all it takes is some attention to detail and patience while waiting for everything to brew perfectly.
Need a french press coffee maker? We have picked the best manual coffee makers, including French Presses to choose from. We’re sure you’ll find one that fits your needs. Check out the below blog post.

As you follow these steps closely, then you should have no problem making a delicious cup of joe every single time!
Happy brewing! ☕️