Content Summary
Looking for a delicious and elegant dessert that will please everyone? Look no further than crème brûlée! This classic French dessert is easy to make, but looks like it was made by a professional chef.
With its rich custard base topped with caramelized sugar, it is sure to satisfy all of your cravings. And with the help of this crème brûlée recipe and some simple tips and tricks, you can create restaurant-quality crème brûlée in the comfort of your own home!

Torch Creme Brulee
For crème brûlée, a kitchen torch provides the best and most efficient way to caramelize your crème brûlée's sugar topping.
Kitchen torches are handheld devices with a cylinder of butane fuel and an adjustable flame trigger. The main purpose is caramelizing crème brûlée, as well as melting sugar for a golden brown top.

- Before using your kitchen torch for crème brûlée be sure to read the safety instructions included and follow all of the precautions.
- Adjust the flame to a low setting, then use a circular motion to spread the sugar evenly over your crème brûlée. You'll need to move it around constantly so that you don't scorch any part of the crème brûlée.
- Be sure to keep the flame at least 2 inches away from the crème brûlée to ensure proper caramelization.
- Once you've caramelized the crème brûlée, switch off your kitchen torch and let it cool down before storing it safely away. Now all you need is a garnish such as fresh berries and voila! Read on for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make crème brûlée.

Vanilla Creme Brulee Recipe
- 3 cups (equivalent to 24 fluid ounces or 710 milliliters) of heavy cream
- 3/4 cup (equal to 5.25 ounces or 150 grams) of white fine-granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- Optional: a scraped vanilla bean or ground vanilla for extra taste
- A pinch of salt
- 5 egg yolks
- Additional of 1/2 cup white granulated sugar for sprinkling on top
- 1 cup of fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or red currents) and lemon wedges, for garnish
How To Make Creme Brulee
- Heat your oven to 325F (or 163C) and be sure to have a deep baking pan or roasting pan ready for the upcoming custard.
- Gather the egg yolks in a large bowl and whip them vigorously until they've lightened to a pale yellow hue, creating ribbons off of your whisk; put it aside.
- To prepare the saucepan for its contents, add cream, sugar, vanilla extract (and an optional vanilla bean), plus salt into it.
- Whisk the ingredients together and simmer over low heat until the cream is piping hot and all of the sugar has dissolved.
- Gently heat the cream and egg yolks. Pour a small portion of the hot cream into the egg yolk mixture, whisking continuously until all of it is incorporated. If you detect any clumps, pass the custard through a fine-mesh sieve for smoothness.
- Carefully spoon the velvety custard into small one-person ramekins or mason jars of 4 to 6 ounces, filling them almost to their brim.
- Arrange these cups in a baking dish and fill them with warm water until the containers are half submerged in liquid.
- Bake your crème brûlée in the oven for 35-45 minutes, depending on the size of your ramekins. The center will be slightly jiggly when finished!
- Carefully pull out the ramekins from both the oven and tray, then place them into your refrigerator for 2 hours minimum to cool off. If possible, try leaving them overnight for optimal results.
- Ready to serve? Simply spread a generous amount of sugar over the custard, then use a food torch to caramelize it. Remember not to touch or move the melted sugar until it hardens. Be warned that when hot, it's molten!
- Garnish with freshly picked berries and serve alongside a juicy lemon wedge for a delightful finishing touch.

Tips & Tricks
- If you don't have a kitchen torch, then fear not! You can still caramelize your ramekins with the oven's broiler. Just set it to 'high', place them on a baking dish and let the broiler do its magic for several minutes until all that sugar is melted, golden and bubbly.
- If you can't find fresh berries for garnish, replace with the frozen variety. Just make sure to thaw them out before adding them on the crème brûlée.
- Your crème brûlée should keep for 4 days in the fridge, but for optimal taste enjoy on the day of preparation.
- For an extra special crème brûlée, add some freshly grated nutmeg or ground cinnamon in with the sugar for sprinkling on top.
- To prevent cracks from forming on your crème brûlée, make sure to bake it in a water bath and keep an eye on the temperature – too hot will lead to cracks.
- For a twist on crème brûlée, why not try adding some liqueur or espresso powder to the custard mix, or using different creams such as coconut milk instead of regular cream.
- For crème brûlée in a hurry, use individual mason jars or small ramekins instead of larger dishes. This will reduce the baking time considerably!
Are you looking for the perfect baking pan to make that sumptious crème brûlée? Then take a look at this blog post and find your favorite multi-functional baking pan now!
Get creative with your crème brûlée by experimenting with different creams, spices and liqueurs. With a little practice, you'll be able to make crème brûlée like a pro!
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